During June, Audi will indeed be seriously selecting youngsters who fit the bill for college entrance or have finished a four year certification(The dual study program at Audi). Understudies and program facilitators from both the Ingolstadt and Neckarsulm destinations will introduce data about the various double investigation projects and advancement openings at Audi in live-streamed talks. Significant for planned understudies: The application cutoff time for the colder time of year semester of 2022 as of now begins on June 21 and hurries to September 5, 2021.
“The automotive industry is undergoing transformation. In addition to quality and premium, we are now focusing on autonomous driving, electric mobility, services, and digitalization. These are important fields in which the dual study degree programs at Audi are preparing students for careers with a future”, says Marco Reich, Head of Audi Vocational Training and Coordination of Dual Study Programs.
Reich urges prospective students to “ask us questions.” “We’ll explain in which areas graduates can work for Audi, what entry-level opportunities are available, and, of course, other ways we can provide advice and support.” The appropriate responses will be introduced straightforwardly in the live streams on June 15, 16, and 17. Understudies and program facilitators from Ingolstadt and Neckarsulm will report here on their encounters and will clarify how the double examination program at Audi works.
At the Ingolstadt site, Audi offers four year certification programs in collaboration with the college Technische Hochschule Ingolstadt (THI) in the fields of mechanical designing, business data frameworks, client experience plan, electrical designing and electric portability, electrical and data innovation just as airplane and vehicle informatics. Four year college education graduates can grow their logical and commonsense information with the double examination graduate degree programs in advanced mechanics – cognizance – knowledge, in Information innovation and in electrical designing for versatile frameworks. They will finish the hypothetical courses at the Technical University of Munich or at THI.
Audi consolidates hypothesis and practice at the Neckarsulm site in a degree program with the Baden-Württemberg Cooperative State University. Forthcoming understudies can pick between the degree programs in business informatics – information science, mechatronics – vehicle frameworks designing – electric versatility, electrical designing – vehicle hardware with attention on electric portability and elective drives just as mechanical designing – lightweight plan and advancement.
Courtesy: https://www.audi-mediacenter.com/