Hyundai x Boston Dynamics | Welcome to the Family with BTS

Hyundai Motor Company today delivered an extraordinary brand video—featuring BTS, overall pop symbol and Hyundai Motor’s worldwide image envoy—to commend the culmination of Hyundai Motor Group’s obtaining of Boston Dynamics.

“With the obtaining of Boston Dynamics, Hyundai Motor will extend its new mechanical technology business to give clients energizing versatility encounters,” said Thomas Schemera, Executive Vice President and Global Chief Marketing Officer at Hyundai Motor. “We anticipate investigating new advertising freedoms to speak with twenty to thirty year olds and Gen Z, specifically, about the tremendous potential offered by Hyundai’s new advanced mechanics in every day life, empowering progress for mankind.”

In the video, “Welcome to the Family with BTS,” Boston Dynamic’s robots ‘Spot’ and ‘Chart book’ hit the dance floor with BTS to their tune “IONIQ: I’m On It,” a song of praise delivered last year to commend the dispatch of Hyundai Motor’s committed electric vehicle brand, IONIQ.

The video shows how Boston Dynamic’s robots are modified to lead actual developments and—for this situation—adjust them for moving. In the video, the robots are tested to direct developments of BTS’ movement, ultimately moving all together to the music.

The video begins with Kid’s NEXO directing ‘Spot’ into a movie shooting studio, where the quadruped robot meets BTS and begins to move the gathering’s dynamic dance moves. Then, at that point, ‘Map book’, the humanoid robot, flaunts its dance moves, which raises the energy level considerably higher. The video closes with the two robots dominating the moves of BTS movement.

Welcome to the Family with BTS
Welcome to the Family with BTS

The field of mechanical technology is a significant space of business advancement for Hyundai Motor Group additionally reinforced by the procurement of Boston Dynamics. Last September, the Group showed its advantage in propelling advanced mechanics by presenting ‘VEX (Vest EXoskeleton),’ a wearable robot that upholds creation line laborers, just as an ‘Electric Vehicle Charging Manipulator’ and other ‘Automated Personal Mobility’ arrangements.
